Illegal Fishing and Endangered Species

To Protect Bodies Of Water From Any Harm By Utilizing Technological And Traditional Methods

What exactly is unreported, illegal, and unregulated fishing?

The term "IUU" refers to illicit, unreported, and unregulated fishing. IUU fishing refers to any fishing that violates fisheries rules or takes place beyond the scope of fisheries laws and regulations. Illegal fishing is a significant component of IUU fishing. It often relates to fishing without a license, fishing in a restricted region, fishing with forbidden gear, exceeding a quota, or fishing for prohibited species. The majority of the world's fish is harvested in coastal states' national seas. Illegal fishing in such places can range from a licensed vessel catching more than its permitted catch to a vessel entering the zone with no fishing license at all, or even a vessel crew failing to report or under-reporting their harvest - even if the vessel is licensed to capture that species. On the high seas, there is a great deal of uncontrolled fishing. The high seas are international waters outside a coastal state's exclusive economic zone, which stretches 200 nautical miles from its shoreline. Patchy regulation, lax enforcement, and the huge expanse of the ocean — the high seas span over 45 percent of our world – all contribute to rampant illegal and unregulated fishing in those areas.

What are the consequences of unlawful fishing?

Illegal fishing has a negative influence on both regular commercial fishermen and fish populations. Illegal fishermen avoid fees such as licensing. They fish without regard for the limits acknowledged by authorized fishermen, frequently fabricate documents, and essentially 'launder' their ill-gotten harvest. The acts of illegal fishermen are a clear illustration of unfair competition since they operate without the costs of conducting business lawfully or the constraints of adhering to existing regulations and laws.

Why should you care about illegal fishing?

You should be concerned about illegal fishing because it endangers the health and hence the availability of wild-caught fish, which is a primary source of nourishment for almost 3 billion people worldwide. It also has an influence on the entire ocean ecology by eliminating vital species and engaging in damaging, illegal behaviors. Threatened species like as sharks, seabirds, and sea turtles are frequently targeted or caught as bycatch. With its wide-ranging economic and societal implications, illegal fishing most definitely affects you in some way. It diverts cash from legal, typically emerging, economies, reduces food supplies for coastal cultures, and jeopardizes the sustainability of fish species.



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