Smart Track

To Protect Bodies Of Water From Any Harm By Utilizing Technological And Traditional Methods

What is it?

Smart Track is a feature of the Radar System that enables it to track the ocean's surface, oil spill, mapping currents, and other phenomena. Companies like Advisian and MetOcean Telematics have devised oil spill tracking buoys with integrated antennas and power. A group of these floating transceivers can be deployed by air. Smart Track will use a similar concept with the added enhanced capability to be planted deep beneath the ocean bed to further analyze what is happening at the bottom as well as identifying dumped waste and endangered animals down below. This enables the Radar System to send back accurate and real-time data.

How will it be used?

Smart Track will be used mainly for enhancing the Radar System. It is purposely integrated together with the Radar to improve its capabilities and assess data to analyze objects down the vast depth of the ocean. Smart Track will use SONAR instead of RADAR. Sonar will make it possible for our radar system to be planted below the ocean. Radar uses high frequency radio waves and microwaves where as Sonar uses sound waves. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves where as sound waves are mechanical waves. Electromagnetic waves are absorbed by water molecules and electrically charged ions. Since the density of air is low we can use radar for tracking in air but it is not the same for the ocean. If we use high frequency radar waves in the ocean then 99% of it would be absorbed within 1 metre of length. In addition, microwaves are absorbed by water. Absorbed microwaves don't return to the sensor. That is why Sonar will be integrated together with our Radar System to upgrade its capabilities in terms of tracking range.



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