Real Time Data Transfer

To Protect Bodies Of Water From Any Harm By Utilizing Technological And Traditional Methods

What is it?

Real Time Data Transfer is information that is delivered immediately after collection. There is no delay in the timeliness of the information provided. Real-time data is often used for navigation or tracking. Such data is usually processed using real-time computing although it can also be stored for later or off-line data analysis. Sharing information in real time enables institutions that provides protection to our Bodies of Water to act immediately and efficiently.

How will it be used?

Efficient real-time data exchange over the Internet plays a crucial role in the successful application of Internet-based control. All data will be stored through cloud services so that no data will get lost through consistent backups and minimal hardware will be used hence utilizing automation resulting into a high productivity, zero-code data integration and low cost tools. Through maximizing the use of Elon Musk's starlink, all the corners of the world will get access to fast internet connection. All the information will be open to volunteers and different institutions that provides protection for our bodies of water and marine life. The Code for the device will also be open-source to integrate and unite every profound Software Engineers to solve the planet crisis and bring forth the greatest minds and pioneers of the modern era. The team plans to use Git for version control, codesharing and Github for data storage, centralized source code hosting as they are the best option for open-source software.



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