Inter-Community Alliance for the Restoration of the Earth.

To Protect Bodies Of Water From Any Harm By Utilizing Technological And Traditional Methods


Veni. Vidi. Vigilo.    I Came. I Saw. I Protect.

What is iCare?

iCare is an advocacy, an idea, a campaign to protect our Bodies of Water from any harm by utilizing technological or traditional methods.

  • To watch for threats and harm
  • To act and enforce to prevent damages
  • To protect our Bodies of Water

What is Operation Radar?

Operation Radar is the main proposed solution of iCare by Group 8. It is spearheaded by the Radar System integrated with Smart Track and Real-Time Features.

  • High productivity and low cost tools
  • Secure and EFficient
  • Open-source and Consistent
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Ships in World Fleet (2022)

Growth Rate of Ships in Previous 5 years (%)

Total Volume of Oil spilt in Tonnes (2021)

Plastic Waste Dumped per year in Tons


iCare by Group 8 offers products and solutions to safeguard bodies of water using cutting-edge technology that makes extensive use of the radar system, smart track, and real-time features.

Radar System

A radar system consists of a transmitter producing electromagnetic waves in the radio or microwaves domain.

Smart Track

The use of the radar in tracking Fishing Vessels, Ships, Oil Spill, Real Time Carbon Emission Data, Maritime Surveillance, and etc.

Radar Markings

Utilizing radar to pinpoint areas that are at risk with estimated range of effect and severity

Real Time Data Transfer

Volunteers and other organizations that provide protection for our bodies of water and marine life will have access to all the information that changes in real time.

Real Time Tracking

Tracks anomalies that are classified by severity in any bodies of water through maps.

Surveillance and Enforcement

Through the implementation of the Radar as Surveillance and through the Real Time Features as Enforcement, it will bring a huge change in providing protection for our bodies of water


The compilation of the datas collected by iCare by Group 8. These sections provide the information about different phenomenas that happened in our Bodies of Water in a time span.

Vessels and Surveillance

Information on Vessels and Marine Surveillance According to How They Interact with our Environment.

Illegal Fishing

These problems are becoming worse, but why are they required to be monitored and prioritized?

Harmful Activities in the Ocean

Do you have any idea how long it takes for plastic to decompose?

Destructive Fishing

Why they are using illegal equipment or an illegal way to fish, for an easy way to fish? so they don't get tired of waiting easily?

Oil Spill

When oil accidentally spills into the ocean, it can cause big problems. Oil spills can harm sea creatures, ruin a day at the beach, and make seafood unsafe to eat.

Carbon Emission

The continual absorption of CO2 increases acidity levels, and—when combined with the warming of our oceans—more coral reefs are dying off.


These are some of the features and advantages of our Radar System. That will help us to protect our Bodies of Water and to level-up our capabilities in terms of surveillance and enforcement.

Faster Transfer of Data

Data transfer will be faster through the internet and github. We will utilize the use of satellites, Starlink, and ocean floor internet cables.

Faster call for response

Through the Radar System and Smart Track, the anomalies will be solved before they become worse.

Cost Effective

The Radar System has been implemented together with the most effective softwares that exists in present times, and we will utilize the now existing choices and technology to avoid going through intensive trial and error which will be costly.

Security and Monitoring

The Radar System will help different organizations and institutions in monitoring through fast transfer of data, we will not wait for days, weeks, or months of documentations as we will see them in real-time.


Meet our Dream Team

We now have a chance to do things differently, to use our knowledge to steer our shared future. We have the chance to build back a world that you, the youth, will want to inherit. iCare will help us to change our future. Technology will be the game changer of this era.

Mark Jerome Santos

Team Leader & Lead Developer

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

Kenneth Amurao

Member & Content Team

If future generations remember us with appreciation rather than grief, we must accomplish more than technological marvels. We must also give them a view of the world as it was built, not simply as it seemed after we were finished.

Nathaniel Caliesen

Member & Content Team

If we want to save our own ocean we must start now, you must be the change you wish to see in the world, our past, our present, and whatever remains of our future, absolutely depend on what we do now. "The sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope".

Jansen Venal

Member & Content Team


We're here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you. 😊

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