Suspicious and Harmful Activities in the Ocean

To Protect Bodies Of Water From Any Harm By Utilizing Technological And Traditional Methods

Do you have any idea how long it takes for plastic to decompose?

That's not to say plastics can't degrade; they do, but it takes a very long time. For example, plastic bottles can take up to 450 years to break down in a landfill. But what if someone tries to toss their plastic waste into the water because they are so careless? Plastic poisons and injures marine life as shellfish, corals, and other marine life eat microplastics and fibers as they filter for real food. Marine animals get entangled in neglectful fishing gear and other debris and die a slow painful death from asphyxiation or starvation. Worldwide, we produce 400 million tons of plastic per year. Roughly 10 million tons end up in the sea. That’s a dump truck full of plastic added to the ocean every minute. This is an annual estimate of plastic that can take about 500 years to biodegrade in the ocean. A country's total does not include the waste that is exported overseas and that may be at higher risk of entering the ocean. There is a simple step for us to help to reduce or stop the pollution in the ocean. Avoid the worst ocean plastic polluters cigarette butts, food wrappers, straws, bags, lids, cups & plates. Reduce, reuse, and recycle plastics transform waste materials into something useful and recycle the rest. Organizing or participating in beach cleanups set an example and prevents plastic pollution from entering the oceans. But just taking these actions will make you a more responsible person. Be wise; the ocean is not a garbage can. It might aid in lowering the amount of plastic waste in our oceans.



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